Friday, 29 March 2013

Bridlington - Stormy Seas

I thought it was supposed to be Spring, but today definitely felt like the middle of Winter.  A strong wind made for impressive waves at Bridlington;

Wouldn't fancy venturing out in a fishing boat ....

After being sandblasted near the beach, I headed for the harbour

Barnacle Goose at the harbour

Turnstone and Dunlin



At least the beach isn't overcrowded

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Tophill Low Nature Reserve

A cold but sunny day, which was enhanced by the array of birds I saw on my latest visit to the reserve.  It was nice to hear the small birds chirping within North Marsh woods.

I had seen the Little Egret on the Tophill Low blog, so wanted to try and see it for myself, and I wasn't to be disappointed - although it was a bit too far away for a good photo.

Little Egret

Little Egret in flight

This Heron paid a short visit to Hempholme meadow, but he was soon off again

Great Crested Grebe on O res - I also saw Tufted Duck and Wigeon

This lovely Barn Owl flew towards me as I headed towards Watton Burrows

Goldeneye on D res, also Goosander

Goosander - Female

Goosander - Male

Long Tail Tit - always tricky to photograph as they move too quick!

Blue Tit checking out the nest box

Willow Tit

Gadwall stretching it's wings on North Lagoon

Saturday, 23 March 2013

North Cave Wetlands

I had a few hours to spare so decided on a trip to North Cave Wetlands to see what had changed since my last visit during a particularly hard frost. This time there were quite a lot of different species and in particular it was great to see a female Smew, a first for me.

There were plenty of Shelduck, the most I have seen together in one group

A pair of Great Crested Grebes were showing plenty of interest in each other

A female Smew all on her own!

Kestrel perched waiting and watching for lunch

Lapwing in a field next to the reserve all busily feeding

Teal with the colours showing up great in the sunshine


It was nice to see a Sparrowhawk hunting in the distance

I even got a distant viewing of a Barn Owl sitting it out waiting for dusk, shame it wasn't a bit closer though

Reed Bunting

View towards turret hide


Greylag just coming in to land

Monday, 18 March 2013

Red Kite

A short stop on my way home proved successful with a superb sighting of a Red Kite hunting in the fields along the roadside.

Red Kite


Sunday, 17 March 2013

Bolton Abbey

I apologise for a lack of blog posts as I've been away for a few days and have had very little time to catch up!

We headed to the Yorkshire Dales for the weekend and visited Bolton Abbey.  The weather was appalling - it rained all day, so taking any photographs proved tricky.  Nevertheless, we got kitted up in our waterproofs and had a good walk.  I attempted crossing the river by the stepping stones, but turned back after half a dozen stones as they were too slippery and the river was getting deeper - didn't fancy falling in and taking an early bath! 

The river Wharfe runs through the estate and is perfect conditions for Dippers and Grey Wagtails.




I will have to revisit on a brighter day .....